Garbage Needs a Bag Tag
May 29, 2020SRI Summer Events Cancelled
June 23, 2020SRI Offers 1/2 Price Membership For 2021
In the spirit of these unsettled times, your Shawano Ratepayers executives have decided to offer a ½ price membership for next year to any member who has remitted their 2020 membership dues by July 31, 2020.
So, $40 this year and only $20 next year will ensure your support of the SRI and your copy of the Loon’s Call!
Many easy options for paying your 2020 membership dues:
- Drop a cheque (payable to Shawano Ratepayers Inc.) in the black mailbox at the signboard
- Pay via Paypal or Interac on the website (click on black mailbox and a box will appear at the top of the screen)
Thanking you in advance for your ongoing support.