The Shawano Ratepayers Incorporated (SRI) has a mandate to serve its members and residents who are property owners in the community surrounding Dickey Lake, Lake of Islands, Lost Lake and Perch Lake. The constitution of the SRI defines the mandate as the following:

(a) To consider all subjects which may promote the welfare and common good of the Shawano community; preserve and improve its present characteristics as a year-round cottage and permanent resident area.

(b) To consider, devise and recommend such legislative, municipal and other measures for the good government of the Township of Marmora and Lake as may be deemed in the interest of the Shawano community.

(c) To support the enforcement and carrying out of all ordinances and laws for the comfort, safety, health and prosperity of the Shawano community. The SRI and your Board of Directors exercises this mandate by:

• Promoting the interest of our members with external organizations such as local and regional governments. Also working with neighboring ratepayers’ associations and The Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations.

• Organizing community events (Golf Tournament, Dickey Day and Sailing Regatta) to promote social interaction among community members.

• Fostering Environmental Stewardship among all residents and property owners. (Pitch-In Event, Water Testing and Reporting for Dickey Lake and Lake of Islands)

• Promoting the ideas, policies of the SRI through the bi-yearly publication of the Loons Call and by managing the content of the SRI website.

• Engage and lobby government to ensure services provided and development being planned is consistent with the purpose and ideals of the association.

• Undertake any other activities that are consistent with the mandate above.

Currently we have 154 members (property owners)

We currently have a slate of 11 directors who work tirelessly on behalf of the members promoting the mandate of the SRI. You can see them listed in the Loons Call or on the SRI website.

Tim Matthewman

President SRI


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