Love Your Lake Survey Results
By now you should have received from WATERSHEDS an email with your code to access a personalized survey of your property which was done for our communities last July.
The report sent to you contains an introduction to the LYL Program at the front and wonderful expanded descriptions of things you can do to improve lake life at the back, such as type of docks and which are best, reducing nightlight, septic tank information, concrete, stone and steel shorelines and much more. So if your report indicates you should have more buffer space, how to do that is at the back.
NOTE: If you have not received your email from Watersheds, first check your junk mail. If you cannot find it please follow these instructions:
- For home owners who were here for the survey and still own that property, email Melissa Dakers at Include your name, the property address and the lake upon which you own.
- For home owners who bought their home after August 1st, 2023, you can also email Melissa Dakers at Include your name, email address, mailing address (your permanent address), the mailing address at the lake you are on, and the lake name.
A report access code will be sent to you as soon as possible.
Depending on your property, the information pertaining to your property alone is generally found within pages 7 to 12.
The reports posted here to the website are the overall reports on the health of each of our lakes. Your Lake Stewardship Committee will be using these reports to investigate options for improvement in the future.
The reports are quite comprehensive and informative. If everyone does even one small thing to improve their property shoreline, our lakes will be better for it. Note: The initial Dickey Lake LYL Summary report erroneously indicated the presence of zebra mussels. The Summary report has been updated to reflect this change.
Invasive Species – A Cottager’s Action Plan
Invasive Species – A Boater’s Action Plan
Grow Me Instead
This link will take you to an informative guide that provides information on what to plant and what not to plant in your gardens – whether at home OR at the lakeside.
Invasive species tend to be those that grow well up here – like periwinkle and lily of the valley. But they are terribly invasive; choking out natural plants and impacting the biodiversity of our lake environment.
We recommend obtaining seeds from non-invasive plants at specialized nurseries.
Take a moment each day to familiarize yourself with an Unwanted Plant versus a Grow Me Instead alternative.
Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM)
The Eurasian Water Milfoil is one of the most widely distributed invasive aquatic plants on the continent. In Ontario it can be found in all of the Great Lakes, the St Lawrence River and many inland lakes throughout southern and central Ontario.
As many of you may know, Eurasian Water Milfoil has been found in the Shawano Lakes, as presented by Michael Gertler at the AGM. The attached link to the Ontario government website regarding EWM provides and in-depth description of EWM and best practices for prevention and removal.
Watersheds Canada and LSC Meeting Video
Here is the recording of the meeting hosted by Watersheds Canada regarding the Love Your Lake Survey.
Lake Test Results 2023
The MMNDNRF and Trent University conducted testing in 2022. Test results are for the fish monitoring they did on Dickey Lake and the Trent results are a synopsis of their monitoring of Dickey Lake and Lake of Islands.
Creating a Resilient Shoreline
The Watersheds Canada website contains valuable information for lake owners to help them understand the importance of maintaining a resilient shoreline and how to do that.
SRI Lake Stewardship Committee Survey Results
Please click the link below to view the survey results.
SRI Lake Stewardship Committee Survey ResultsLove Your Lake
For more info on the Love Your Lake program please click the link below.
Love Your Lake Program DescriptionYour lakes need your help!!
In Ontario we are seeing a significant rise in some Invasive Water Species invading many lakes. In order to stop the spread of these invaders it is vital to clean your boats, trailers, canoes, kayaks, paddle boats after leaving any waterway. In addition to this, your live wells and fishing equipment. The spread of Zebra mussels, Starry Stonewort and Water Soldier are on the move so please be vigilant and clean your watercraft. Shawano members are proud members of FOCA and we all support the CLEAN -DRAIN- DRY program