Mineral Exploration & Development Activity in the Shawano area (fall 2013)
The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Mineral Deposit inventory documents over 40 mineral occurrences within a 5 mile radius of Dickey Lake. Minerals found during the previous mapping and or exploration include: Actinolite, Barite, Copper, Gabbro (dimension stone), Galena (lead), Gold, Granite dimension stone), iron, Magnetite, Marble (dimension stone), Nickel, Pyrite (Sulphur), Talc, Titanium and Wollastonite.
Although, there are unpatented mining claims, in good standing in the area, there are currently no active mineral exploration programs. Most recent diamond drilling in the general area was completed by First Nickel Inc. as a follow-up to an airborne survey completed in 2008. Work was concentrated on the company’s Belmont and Raglan Hills Projects. First Nickel Inc. staked mining claims to the west and south of Thanet Lake, and to the west of Lake of Islands, as well as in Wollaston and Limerick Townships to the north and east of Shawano.
New claims may not be staked on privately owned lands, a welcome change to the Mining Act.
Likewise, for a number of years, there has been no new development on the Dingman gold deposit further to the south in Marmora and Madoc townships. In the summer of 2013, historic drill core from the site in Madoc Township was re-examined but no new drilling has been done.
The closest operating mine to the Shawano area is the Unimin Canada nepheline syenite quarry at Blue Mountain to the southwest in Methuen Township. It has been operating for over 50 years.
More details on any of these occurrences and or exploration activities are available through Geology Ontario or by contacting the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM), Ontario Geological Survey, Resident Geologist Program office in Tweed. (613 478 5238)
or www.mndm.gov.on.ca/mines/lands/claimap3