Fall 2023 FOCA Seminar
A summary of the 2023 Fall FOCA Seminar is now available. Please click the link to view.
FOCA Benefits
The Shawano Ratepayers Inc (SRI), as a property ratepayers association, pays a yearly membership to be a member of the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association (FOCA). There are on-going benefits to the SRI being a member of FOCA, such as organizational processes ideas and FOCA’s on-going lobbying of all three levels of government on behalf of the member associations. However, there also benefits to residents of the SRI in belonging to FOCA. I urge individual members to access the FOCA website (foca.on.ca) as there is a lot of changing information that would benefit members and increase their knowledge of owning a recreational property and protecting the environment. This information is constantly changing, but here is a snap shot of current topics on the website: Electricity Pricing – The impact of The Seasonal Rate Class being removed. Cottage Succession Planning – How to keep your Recreational Property in the family and the impact of Capital Gains. Invasive Species – The impact of plant and aquatic invasive species in Cottage Country and potential action plans. There are also economic benefits for individual members based on FOCA negotiating special goods and services prices from various vendors for members associations to access. You can access these services through the link below.